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Taking Control During Tax Season

Taking Control During Tax Season

Posted by Rachel Crippin Clark on 7th Mar 2024

If you’re like millions of Americans, tax time can generate feelings of dread and angst. Some of this has to do with the financial implications. But much of it has to do with the process of locatin … read more
Making Laundry Less of a Chore

Making Laundry Less of a Chore

Posted by Rachel Crippin Clark on 23rd Feb 2024

Does anyone enjoy doing laundry?? Whether it’s tough stains, special cleaning requirements or that dreaded folding, there’s plenty not to like about this never-ending chore. (And oh yes, there’s th … read more
Making the List on Lifetime® Network

Making the List on Lifetime® Network

Posted by Rachel Crippin Clark on 7th Feb 2024

If you’re looking for ways to curb the clutter in your home, turns out you’re not alone. We at TRINITY were proud to be featured on a recent home organization episode on The Lifestyle List, which … read more
Getting Organized Can Actually Help You Save Money

Getting Organized Can Actually Help You Save Money

Posted by Rachel Crippin Clark on 22nd Jan 2024

Hopefully, the holiday season has brought you joy and treasured moments with friends and family. Yet we at TRINITY know sometimes the holidays come at a price – namely, all the extra expenses for g … read more